Catholics know why God made birds and bugs!

We look up and see the sky. Sometimes, we see birds flying through the air. Closer to us, we see bugs. Some are flying through the air. Some are walking.

First, God put earth, air, fire, and water into form. Then, He made birds and bugs. Why? Catholics know why God made birds and bugs!

They show us how our mind works! Parts of the Universe are in our minds! Our brain is so huge it can understand that billions of lights in the sky are planets and stars. God Spoke them into being!


God made birds and bugs to show us what happens when we think about The Universe. Our thoughts are like birds! They fly through our mind looking for facts to eat!

When our thought finds a fact, it takes it back to the nest! That’s the place our soul has let our spirit build in our brain. It is their temporary home on earth.

Most nests are too small to hold enough facts!


Small “nests” cannot have room for all the facts we need! Each human mind can gather facts about atoms and distant galaxies. Our mind can hold and understand facts about God, His Prophecies, and He Who Fulfilled them!

Each mind is, in that way, “Universal”.

Catholics send out their spirit to find facts to build a nest that holds “The Universe”!

The word “Catholic” means “Universal”. “Universal” means, “able to hold the universe”!


Only The Catholic Church has been understood as being literally “Universal”! St. Ignatius put that previously Spoken Word into a Written Word around 100 AD!

Other religions are not “Universal”. They are smaller nests. They are built on merely human opinions about The Universe.

Catholics minds are blessed to hold a nest big enough to hold this “Universal Truth”!

“Every Word of Jesus Christ Is A Truth We Must Obey.” Catholic souls may go to Judgment among “You are My friends if you obey My commands.”

It is painful to think about the souls who choose to go to Judgment while willfully disobeying This Word of Jesus Christ!

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

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