The first temptation to the first people was The devil’s Marketing Plan: “Your Highest Duty is to yourself!”
The devil promised the first woman! “You can be as smart as God if you disobey Him! It is your duty to yourself! That’s why you must eat The Forbidden Fruit.”
Eve was convinced. She talked to Adam. “We can both be as smart as God! If I eat the apple and you don’t, I will be as smart as God. You will dumber than me if you don’t eat the apple, too!
Eve soon got Adam to eat the apple!
Adam and Eve were thrown out of The Garden of Eden. They had to work and struggle to stay alive. Neither of them were smart enough to realize: “Our lives became miserable when we decided to disobey God.”
God spent thousands of years watching His ungrateful children. Most of them robbed and killed each other. A few people had good will. God loved them.
“I will offer My Own Son as a Sacrificial Lamb.”
Prophets were provided. Their Prophecies came true. The Son of God was sacrificed to save those who chose to obey His Teachings. It was a New World! Every person on earth lived in the New Garden of Eden.
The Order of Jesus was the same as His Father’s: “You are My friends if you obey My commands.”
As soon as The New Salvation came to earth, what re-appeared? The devil’s Marketing Plan: “Your Highest Duty is to Yourself!”
The devil told Catholics the same thing he had told Eve. “You can be as smart as Jesus if you disobey Him! Your Highest Duty is to yourself!”
Those who followed the devil’s Marketing Plan were taught to disobey This Word of Jesus!
“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”
Instead of being told to “eat the forbidden fruit”, the devil’s Marketing Plan taught people to not obey “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”
As before, willfully disobedient people are praised for disobeying Words of God.
But now! Everyone is free to choose to be among: “You are My friends if you obey My commands.”
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