Our spirit is at war with our Soul. That’s life!

We have a Soul.  We should “Capitalize” the word “Soul” because our Soul is “made in the image of God”.

We have a spirit.

Our spirit does not want anything to keep it from what it wants.  Our spirit is at war with our Soul.  That’s life!


Our Soul is an immortal “living whisper”.   Our Soul will leave our mind and body and spirit.   Our Soul will go to Judgment.  After that, our Soul spends eternity “somewhere”!

Jesus Christ fulfilled The Prophecies.  He told us who He will let into the eternal joy of Heaven.  “You are My friends if you obey My commands.”

~Which minds and spirits are the smartest?~

Every spirit demands gratification.  Every spirit is two words:  “I want!”  Those two words motivate thoughts, words, and deeds from our spirit.

The spirit lives in the brain.  Some brains think better than others.  We judge intelligence by a person’s sense of time.  Our spirit has some sense of time.  No spirit has a sense of eternity.

Smarter people make investments that will grow over time.  Less intelligent people “Want it now!”  The dumber the person, the more quickly they demand that their desire be satisfied.

The thinking ability of every kind of addict is destroyed by their need for immediate gratification.

The thinking ability of usurers is hidden by their need for longer term gratification.

The smarter the person, the longer they are willing to wait for what they want.


Catholics are smart!   We know!  Our Soul is forever.  Our spirit is at war with our Soul. That’s life!  If we willfully disobey Any Teaching of He Who will Judge us, we suffer forever.

Catholics work to put our Soul in charge of what happens in the rooms within our mind.


People have Souls.  Families have Souls.  Nations have Souls.  The Only Church Jesus Spoke Into Being guides the Souls of every good person, family, and nation.


The Catholic Church upholds This Timeless Catholic Teaching!  “Life must be protected from conception until natural death.”

What happens to a person, family, or nation who chooses to live in willful denial of That Catholic Teaching?  They let their spirits keep their Soul from  being  forever among:  “You are My friends if you obey My commands.”

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Free e-books, and reasons to obey Every Teaching of Jesus Christ:  catholicfundamentalism.com
