Catholics ask:  “Am I a child of God?  Abraham was a “Child of God”. 


Catholics ask:  “Am I a child of God?  Abraham was a “Child of God”.  Abraham has four kinds of relatives.

1. Some are direct descendants of his sons, Isaac and Ishmael.  They include Jesus, Mary, Joseph, Moses, Elijah, and all the Prophets.

2. Other families and peoples are descended from Abraham’s other children by Keturah and others.

3. Abraham had many family-founding ancestors.   Their peoples are Abraham’s “cousins”.  They share Abraham’s DNA.

4. The spiritual descendants of Abraham are very important.  They are “people of good will”.  They are related to Abraham by their obedience to God.


Why is Abraham important?  Abraham was the first person after The Flood who was personally chosen by God to become a “multitude.   After he was chosen, he was tested!

Abraham “passed the obedience test”.  He was willing to sacrifice his son, Isaac, for God.  Abraham passed that Test of Obedience.  Two thousand years later, God, The Father, took the same test.   He allowed His Son, Jesus Christ, to be obediently sacrificed.


The more obedient we are to Jesus Christ, the closer we are to Abraham.  The more we willfully disobey Teachings of Jesus Christ, the farther we put ourselves from obedience.

Catholics grow closer as we strive to obey Every Word Jesus Christ left on earth.  We worship in The Only Church Spoken Into Being by This Word of Jesus Christ.

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”


The Only Church Jesus Founded provides Teachings.  Her earthly Teachings are summed up in one sentence.  “Life must be protected from conception until natural death.”

The more of That Teaching we obey, the closer we are to Abraham, Isaac, Jesus, Mary, Joseph, and all the Prophets.

And, to God.

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