Catholics identify and avoid the Queens of Babylon.


Every Catholic knows!  “We must not let Babylonians keep us from God and Heaven!”  Catholics identify and avoid the Queens of Babylon.

Almost 3,000 years ago,  God’s Prophet described the Queens of Babylon in Isaiah 47: 8!   “So listen now, voluptuous woman, lolling at ease and saying to yourself, ‘I and none besides me.  I shall never be widowed, never know the loss of children.'”

We see the vanity!  She believes herself to have no equal!  “I and none besides me.” is the self-centered vanity of Babylon.   Queens of Babylon love to be seen and admired!  Many appear on television.  Many run for office!  Each one is that vanity:  “I and none besides me.”

The “loss of children” does not bother the Queens of Babylon!  Billions of unborn children are lost to pills, implants, and abortion.   Those deaths do not concern the Queens of Babylon.  “I shall never be widowed, never know the loss of children”.

They have shut off the part of their brain where their own children are loved!  Their children, some no bigger than a grain of salt, were all “made in the image of God”.

That is why they were killed!   Queens of Babylon attack God every way they can.  They hate this Catholic Teaching!  “Life must be protected from conception until natural death.”


St. John reveals that Queens of Babylon never repent in Revelation 18:8.  “‘I am the queen on my throne’, she says to herself, ‘and I am no widow and shall never be in mourning.'”

“I shall never be in mourning.” is the identifying delusion of every Queen of Babylon!   It is another way of saying, “I will never regret anything I do because I am sitting on my throne.”


Revelation 18:8 tells us what must happen to the Queens of Babylon!  “For that, within a single day, the plagues will fall on her:  disease and mourning and famine.  She will be burnt right up.  The Lord God has condemned her, and He has great power.”

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