St. Paul says “Be Catholic!” 1.

St. Paul was blinded by the Bright Light of Jesus Christ on The Road to Damascus.   After he “saw the light”, he was Ordained as a Catholic Bishop.   He founded Catholic Churches.   They sent Catholic Representatives to Catholic Councils for over a thousand years!

St. Paul shared the Catholic Doctrine developed by Jesus and His Eleven Disciples during the Forty Days between His Resurrection and Ascension.

The Jerusalem Bible describes The Passages from 1 Timothy 6:  2-10 as:

“The true teacher and the false teacher.”  The Profiteers of Protestantism are described!

St. Paul had shown those with him The Doctrine of Jesus and His Disciples.  He explained:  “This is what you are to teach them to believe and persuade them to do. 

He then tells us This Great Truth!   “Anyone who teaches anything different, and does not keep to the sound teaching which is that of our Lord Jesus Christ, the doctrine which is in accordance with true religion, is

(1.) “simply arrogant

(2.) “and must be full of self-conceit

(3.) “with a craze for questioning everything and

(4.)  “arguing about words.” (numbers added)

Has there ever been a better description of the 45,000 Profiteers of Protestantism whose denominations confuse the world?


Then, St. Paul correctly predicts the results of Protestantism!

“All that can come of this is jealousy, contention, abuse and wicked mistrust of one another,”

What follows that?  “.  .  .  unending disputes by people who are neither rational nor informed”

St. Paul tells us what motivates them!   They “imagine that religion is a way of making a profit.”

It is impossible to logically argue with St. Paul’s description of The Profiteers of Protestantism!


St. Paul concludes with this!

“The love of money is the root of all evils and there are some who, pursuing it, have wandered away from the faith,”

Then, St. Paul tells us of the eternal price of Willful Protestantism:   “.  .  and so given their souls any number of fatal wounds.”


Catholics see what has happened to Christendom in the past 500 years.   Billions of people were led to make choices that have “given their souls any number of fatal wounds.”!

May all be blessed to gratefully obey The Only Church-Founding Teaching of Jesus Christ!

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

May all souls be spared the “fatal wounds” of willful disobedience to Any Teaching of Jesus Christ!


Many of us used to be Protestants.  We were blessed!   We took advantage of The Great Power given by Jesus Christ to His Catholic priests!

“Those whose sins you forgive on earth are forgiven in Heaven.”

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