Catholics: Free from the evil triplets!

Each of us has a set of evil triplets living in our mind.   They are three of “the gates of hell”.   Their job?  To draw our souls to damnation.  Their names?  Lies, Confusion, and Guilt.  They all pretend to be good.  Their evil takes form in our thoughts.


First:  Truth drives Lies out of our mind.   Catholics are blessed!  We know that Every Word of Jesus Christ is Truth.   No Lies can stand up against The Truth we find in Every Teaching of Jesus Christ!

Every Catholic fights Lies with This Teaching of Jesus Christ:   “And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”


Second:  When we “have the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven”, we see what Confusion has done.  Every Catholic knows:   “When I disobey Any Teaching of Jesus Christ, I fall from one sin into others!  I hate Confusion!”

So, we strive to be consistently obedient to Every Teaching of Jesus Christ!

As we become more obedient, we pray more!  Every prayer drives Confusion away!   We become holy brothers and sisters.   We work to put every thought, word, and deed in accord with God’s Will.


Third:   Guilt loves to make people feel guilty about everything!   Those who feel “guilty” are easily controlled.   Powerful “news” agencies tell us how bad we are!  They tell us how guilty we must feel!

“Everything we do is wrong!  We are hurting the world’s climate.  We are spreading diseases! We are not helping our leaders enough!  Everything that’s wrong is our fault!”


Lies create ConfusionConfusion leads to Guilt.  People who feel guilty are easily manipulated!  They are led farther from Every Teaching of Jesus Christ.

Catholics:  Free from the evil triplets!

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