One of God’s Words was “dog”!

God is far above us! The Three Persons of The Holy Trinity are described by three Words, “Father”, “Son”, and “Holy Spirit”.

The Bible makes that clear: “In The Beginning was The Word: The Word was with God and The Word was God.”

The next Words tell us that Creation was Spoken Into Being by The Three Persons of God! “Through Him all things came to be; not one thing had its being but through Him.”

One of God’s Words was “dog”! God gave us dogs to teach us important lessons. Good dogs obey their masters. Willfully disobedient dogs make a mess! They end up outside!

God gave us dogs to teach us the importance of obedience. We may send our dogs to Obedience School!

Catholics see that dogs are less than we are. We see that our neighbors are equals. We see God above! We are between dogs and God! Our dogs think we are God! So do some of us!


Catholics see the connection! We give our dogs a place to live. We give them food, water, and medicine. “Through” us those “things came to be” provided for them!

We learn from dogs! Mistreated dogs show us what happens to mistreated people. Bad dogs are filled with hate. They are mean and vicious. We know: “I must get rid of a dog who attacks people for no reason. God will get rid of me if I am willfully disobedient.”

Catholics want our Lord and Master to have our obedience shine before Him! We want to be forever among: “You are My friends if you obey My commands.” We strive to obey Every Teaching of Jesus Christ!

Every Catholic obeys This Teaching of Jesus Christ! “And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

We are somewhere between God and dogs. Catholics try to obey God as much as we want our dogs to obey us!

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