A fact! Catholic priests are “Kings” on earth and in Heaven!

Catholics know that Every Word in The Bible is Truth. The last book in The Bible begins by summing up all preceding Truths that God shared with us.

Revelation 1: 2-3 includes: “Happy the man who reads this Prophecy, and happy those who listen to him, if they treasure all that it says, because the Time is close.”

Why are Catholics “happy”? We “listen” to That Teaching of God! We “treasure” all that The Bible tells us.


Clearly, St. John is a Catholic priest. He was Personally Ordained by Jesus Christ, Himself! Catholics “treasure” This Word of St. John words about Catholic priests!

“He loves us and has washed away our sins with His Blood, and made us a line of kings, priests to serve His God and Father;”

The word “us” is important! Why? “us” identifies “a line of kings, priests to serve . . .”

Catholic “priests” are Catholic “kings”!


Why is that true? Every Catholic “priest” is ordained in living link with The Apostles! They were the First Catholic priests and Bishops!

They were Personally Ordained by Jesus Christ, Himself! What did Jesus Christ give His first Catholic priests? “the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven”!

One of those “keys” is The Power that Catholic Bishops have! They are empowered to Ordain new generations of Catholic priests!


Protestants have a hard time understanding that! Why? Protestants think in earthly terms. On earth, Church and state are two separate entities. In The Kingdom of Heaven, Church and State are One!

Catholic priests are “Kings” on earth! Here, Catholic priests rule over mind and matter. Catholic priests preside over The Miracle of Transubstantiation! They are Empowered to turn bread and wine into The Actual Body and Blood of Jesus Christ!

Their Power lets us obey The Command our King repeated fourteen times! “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”

We in God’s Kingdom on Earth know! Our Catholic priests serve Him on earth and they are crowned “Kings” in Heaven!

In The Kingdom of Heaven, Church and State are One!

An amazing fact! Catholic priests are “Kings” on earth and in Heaven!

May we all be blessed to see their crowns, each a bright and shining halo, in Heaven!

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