There is “Big History” and “Little History”. Catholics study both!

~Big History~

“Big History” is important! “Big History” helps us understand where we are in the present.

We learn from famous people in “Big History”. We study things they did. Then, we study the results of choices they made.

“Big History” tells us that King Midas was very rich! Everything he touched turned into gold. He never had enough! Every day, he repeated: “I want more gold!”

Intelligent people learn from “Big History”. “King Midas died. He did not take a tiny piece of gold with him.”


“Big History” tells us about Julius Caesar and Genghis Khan. They loved power! They took over huge sections of the world!

“Big History” teaches us that many politicians want to be like Julius Caesar and Genghis Khan. History also tells us they don’t want to admit it!

~Little History”

All of us have neighbors. We learn many facts from the “Little History” of our neighbors. Many learn this lesson from a generation or two of neighbors! “Divorce has a bad effect on children.”

Some people study the history of their family. They see parents and grandparents who let love rule their lives. “I want to raise a happy family. I want my soul and my children’s souls to get into Heaven.”

We all learn an important lesson from “Little History”. We learn that love helps and sin hurts people and their children!


“Big History” and “Little History” agree on one thing! Everyone is better off when people focus on pleasing God. Catholics learn this lesson from “Big History”.

We learn that Jesus Christ Fulfilled The Prophecies. He came to earth in Human Form. He Spoke One Church Into Being with His Holy Word:

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

Catholics connect that lesson from “Big History” to our own “Little History”.

What does that do? It lets us have “the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”!

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