Catholics take a new look at Constantine!

Constantine did some good things. He provided The Edict of Milan in 313. That Edict gave Roman citizens Freedom of Religion. Constantine got rid of Catholic-hating rulers of The Roman Empire. Catholics were on his side!


Now, Catholics take a new look at Constantine!

After he took over The Roman Empire, Constantine gave state funding to Donatists in North Africa. Who were The Donatists? They were very self-righteous. Donatists refused to follow Catholic Teaching on Absolution.

Torture, jail, and property confiscation had forced many Catholics to publicly deny Jesus Christ. Many repented for giving in to the state!

Donatists believed that sin could not be forgiven! “The Catholic Church is wrong to give Absolution to those sinners!” Self-righteous people loved Donatism! “We are holier than the Pope!”

Many people planted themselves in self-righteousness.


Did Constantine strive for unity? No! He gave tons of gold to the Donatists! He helped Donatists in North Africa build parishes and dioceses! Every city and town had Donatist and Catholic Churches!

Why did Constantine promote division? He was a politician! Constantine did not want “The One Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church” to be strong enough to get in his way.

For 2,000 years, tyrants have agreed with Constantine!


Constantine lived a lie! He attacked The Catholic Church while pretending to support it! He hated anyone who disagreed with him! He had his own son executed. He killed his own wife. That’s the kind of “Catholic” Constantine was.

Constantine chose to follow Arius. Arius was another “fake Catholic”. He invented excuses to reject Catholic Teaching about The Equality of The Three Persons of The Holy Trinity.

At the end of His life, Constantine confirmed his heresy for all time! Constantine chose to be Baptized by Eusebius. Eusebius was a renegade Catholic priest. He followed Arius. He did not believe The Son was equal to The Father or The Holy Spirit!

Constantine made the worst mistake anyone can make! He went to Judgment after choosing to insult The Divinity of Jesus Christ!

Catholics take a new look at Constantine!

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