“The Self-righteousness Effect” lets praise swallow many souls!

These rules work in our lives!

1. We love to be praised!

2. The more we sin, the more praise we need.

3. Media exists to praise our sins. “You are smart and good if you do what we say!”

4. Media is run by people who know: “Our job is to control people by praising them!”

5. “The Self-righteousness Effect” lets praise swallow many souls!


The Media is an ancient praise-provider!

2,300 years ago, Greek Plays in local theatres were the “Network Media”. Rulers decided what plays would be performed.

Sometimes, plays taught the people of Athens: “We must join Sparta and go to war with Persia!”

Soon, Persia was defeated. Rulers of Athens gave their Media a New Message! “Convince the fools that we must go to war with Sparta!” Those who stood up for truth against The Media were exiled. Plato was driven to suicide for disagreeing with Media!

Greek Plays were Media. Media always does what it is told.

Who supports Media? Ambitious producers, writers, and actors! “I can be rich and famous if I am chosen to tell people what Rulers want them to hear!” Clever people knew! Rulers decided which authors and “stars” would get State Funding!


England was increasingly Catholic between 500 and 1,500 AD. Their popular Media? Morality Plays. They encouraged people to be Catholic.

Then, Protestants took over the government. Protestants knew! “We have to keep people from supporting The Catholic Church.” Morality Plays disappeared. A network of “playhouses” was quickly built in every English city. Theatres like “The Globe” provided popular reasons to make Protestantism popular.

Protestant rulers made their obedient Media undermine The Catholic Church! Their followers became billionaires by seizing twenty million acres of Catholic properties!


In every time and place, the devil’s disciples agree! “We don’t want people to think about God! We don’t want them thinking about Heaven! Our Media must convince them! Only our government can save us!”

We have Free Will. We may choose to understand! Thinking about God leads to thinking about Truth. Thinking about Truth leads us to obey He Who Is Truth. He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies told us where our beliefs should be centered!

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

Some are blessed to obey Jesus Christ. We clearly see! “The Self-righteousness Effect” lets praise swallow many souls!

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Historical reasons to be Catholic! And, free e-books. catholicfundamentalism.com
