What is History? War between Crime Families and Happy Families.

Families give life to children. Children give life to parents! That’s why most of us come from Happy Families. We love and encourage each other. “Be good! Work hard! Have children! Avoid sin! Tell the truth! Let God guide your life!”

Happy Families love to live in free countries. Crime Families love to attack Happy Families with rules and taxes.


Angry, bitter people join Crime Families. Crime Families hate Happy Families! “We know what people should do! They should do what we tell them!”

Why do Crime Families want to control their neighbors?

Greed drives Crime Families. They fight an endless “War for More!” Every member of every Crime Family knows! “If we get control of the government, we can take more money from those Happy Families.”

Crime Families begin by taking over cities. Then, entire states! Then, whole nations! Every nation’s Crime Families get help from Foreign Crime Families!


Egyptian, Babylonian, Persian, Greek, and Roman Empires were ruled by Crime Families. So were French, British, Indian, and Chinese Empires. Iroquois, Aztec, and Mayan Empires were also ruled by Crime Families.

What is History? War between Crime Families and Happy Families.

After a Crime Family takes over a nation, it still wants more! There are only two ways to get it!

1. “We can loot and enslave Happy Families in other countries.”

2. “We can loot and enslave Happy Families in our country!”

The most successful Crime Families do both!


For 2,000 years, One Power on earth has defended life, freedom, and Happy Families. He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies spoke One Church Into Being with His Decree!

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

The Messiah’s Church provides these Teachings to help Happy Families:

1. The Catholic Church defends living people with This Teaching: “Life must be protected from conception until natural death.”

2. The Catholic Doctrine of Subsidiarity protects the freedom of Happy Families: “Problems must be solved at the lowest possible level.”


It is easy to see why those who choose to be in Crime Families want to destroy The Catholic Church!

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Historical reasons to be Catholic! Every day: catholicfundamentalism.com
