What do evil spirits have for dinner?

Catholics understand a simple fact! The devil has to eat. So do demons. What is their only food? What do evil spirits have for dinner? Souls! Evil spirits feed on the immortal sparks that came into being when every person was conceived.

The Catholic Church wants souls to get to Heaven! The Catholic Church was Spoken Into Being by He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies!

In the past 2,000 years, many nations became Catholic. Many Catholic Teachings were written into The Laws of their Lands. Such laws are based on This Word of Jesus Christ. “And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”


Angry people are unhappy about such Laws. “I do not want to obey Catholic Teaching on Faith and Morals!”

Those people join together. When they can, they get rid of laws that keep them from doing what they want. “We demand separation of Church and State! It is our right to not be oppressed by Catholic Teachings!”


Angry, unhappy people gain influence. Faith-based laws are not enforced. Then, they are removed.

Does that make the angry people happy? No! They attack the very concept of morality.

“No moral law is good! The only ‘Good Law’ is what we say it is!”


Why are those people always angry and unhappy? They realize: “I am sending my own soul to hell.” They’re angry and unhappy because they hate God, their neighbors, and their own souls!

Why does the devil lead people to avoid moral laws? The devil has to eat. What is his only food? Souls! He lives on the energy from immortal sparks that came into being with every human conception.

That’s why the devil leads people to hate Catholic Teachings! Every Catholic Teaching is focused on saving souls from the devil.


Those who want to stop others from following Catholic Teachings should think about term: “father of lies”. The devil is “the father of lies.”

The devil tells everyone who follows him this lie: “I will honor you forever with the highest positions in hell!”

That is his cleverest lie! The truth? Those who follow him most closely spend eternity being punished by the souls they led astray! They are in the lowest circles of hell! They suffer more than anyone.

We remind unhappy, angry people to consider that. Most won’t!

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