When does “the beginning of the end” begin?

To estimate a date for the “end”, we must focus on “the thousand year reign” of Revelation 20:6. That “reign” may refer to the rule of The Catholic Church over Christendom.

We know that “soon” after that 1,000 year period, the world will end. And, we know the world has not yet come to an end. It could be one minute from now!

Since we live in the year 2020, that “Thousand Year Reign” did not end 54 years ago. It could have ended at any year after 1966. We could be living in the 54 year period following the end of the “Reign”. The world could end at any time.


What could have happened in the preceding 54 years that predicts “the end of the world”? 54 years is the maximum time between Jesus’ prediction about the destruction of Jerusalem and its actual destruction by the Romans.

Some people may date the “beginning of the end” with Pope Francis. That was March, of 2013. Concerns about “The Environment” began to replace a focus on Catholic Teachings. If so, will the world will end before 2067?

Others go back farther. “‘The beginning of the end’ began when those who chose Francis took control of The Vatican. They forced Pope Benedict to resign in 2005!” That could put the “end” in 2059.

Bella Dodd was a high-ranking Communist. She became a Catholic. She confessed that her Party had infiltrated “over a thousand” known sinners into The Catholic priesthood before 1950. Did the 54 year period begin in the 1960s? That was when well-funded infiltrators began to appoint some Bishops.


Many Catholics say: “It is impossible for The Catholic Church to be corrupted! This Promise of Jesus would not be broken! ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.'”

No one in their right mind will argue with He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies!

But, we cannot argue two facts!

1. Many willingly sinful men did spread heresies in The Church.

2. The “end” is coming.


No one in their right mind will argue with St. John. In Rev 1:1, He told us that The Book of Revelation was written so “He could tell his servants about the things which are to take place very soon; . .”

That is why those who seek to be Christ’s “servants” try to understand. When does “the beginning of the end” begin?

May we live by this principle! “The beginning of Wisdom is the fear of The Lord.”

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