History tells us there are two kinds of people IN History.

Historians study History. History tells us there are two kinds of people IN History. In every time and place, happy people are attacked by bitter, angry people.

History and time.

1. Every state begins when some smart person invents a way to turn neighbors into followers.

2. Their inventions have included bronze, saddles, crossbows, muskets, and guided missiles to take over or protect an area.

3. If they have intelligent leaders, the new state become prosperous.

4. Then, many people who are not prosperous become embittered by envy.

5. They want to loot their neighbors to enrich themselves.

5. When they seize power, the state is destroyed.

6. The process is always influenced by the richest people in the state.

7. They often bring in other nations to help them undermine their own state.

That’s History.


History and families.

1. Happy men and women have families. They raise them to love God and their neighbors.

2. Angry, bitter people never put children ahead of their desires.

3. Angry, bitter people try to destroy happy families.

4. This process is always influenced by the richest people in the state.


History, Intelligence, and the Two Types of Weapons.

1. Prosperous states want their most inventive people to invent new weapons.

2. There are Two Types of Weapons.

3. One kind of weapon is used to fight against other people.

4. Air-conditioners, medicine, vehicles, and plumbing are the other Type of Weapons. They are invented to fight against nature.

5. Angry people hate new inventions that threaten their desire for more.

6. They pass laws to prohibit weapons that threaten what they have and want.

7. This process is always influenced by the richest people in the state.


History and God.

1. Some people believe The First Commandment: “Thou shall have no other gods before Me.”

2. Other people put their desires “before” God.

3. Some people believe that Jesus Christ is The Prophesied Messiah. They obey This Teaching of He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies. “And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

4. History exists to show us that getting “the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven” is far more important than wealth or political power.

5. Some of “the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven” are The Catholic Sacraments.


Happy people know the most important History!

1. The most important “History” is what we write in our “book of life”. That History is read when we stand before God at His Judgment.

2. What more does anyone need to know about History?

3. We must not let the richest people in the state influence how we will write our History.


History tells us there are two kinds of people IN History.

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