Catholics have a new idea about “The Resurrection of The Body”.

Catholics take a new look at “The Resurrection of The Body”. Now, Catholics have a new idea about “The Resurrection of The Body”. The Bible tells us there is a “Resurrection of The Body”.

In The Old Testament, one of the seven brothers in The Book of Maccabees offered his tongue and hands to be cut off. “These I have from heaven, but for the laws of God I now despise them: because I hope to receive them again from him.” (2 Maccabees 7:11). He had an understanding about “The Resurrection of the Body”.

In The New Testament, John 11:24 is also clear. “‘I know’, says Martha, ‘that He shall rise again, in the resurrection at the last day.” Martha knew there would be a “Resurrection of The Body”!


Catholics have a new idea about “The Resurrection of The Body”? This may be how that Resurrection works.

1. When we die, only our spirit and body die. Both of them are dead.

2. Our living soul goes to Judgment.

3. What happens at Judgment? We have written our thoughts, words, and deeds in our own “book of life”. That “book” is opened at our Judgment.

4. If we are found worthy, we get into Heaven!

5. Whose souls are allowed into Heaven? “You are My friends if you obey My commands.”

6. His obedient “friends” have “the keys”! “And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”


If we get into Heaven, What is not there? Our spirit! Our human spirit is a tiny cloud of conceit! Every hour of every day on earth, our self-serving spirit tried to lead us to disobey Teachings of Jesus Christ!

At The Judgment, there is only our soul. At “The Resurrection of The Body”, our new, heavenly body is downloaded around it! Our self-centered spirit isn’t there!

This is important to consider: Our heavenly body does not need the body parts needed to sustain our spirit and its desires on earth. The souls and bodies in Heaven may be no bigger than the . at the end of a sentence! After all, our bodies were once the size of a grain of salt!

Our Body and Soul live together forever without our spirit’s distractions! We are at perfect peace with God. In this odd “vision of Heaven”, we see billions of happy souls and bodies whirling through The New Jerusalem like living motes of dust.

We may be like glowing starlings in a Holy Flock that soars around in Heaven!

And, we may fly into The Vast Library of God’s Words any time we want!

Our pesky spirit is not there! We are no longer drawn away from God by its desires to do what it wants!


Catholics have a new idea about “The Resurrection of The Body”. It helps us see how we may be blessed to be forever happy in Heaven.

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