Catholics don’t want “Bats in the belfry.”

Catholics don’t want “Bats in the belfry.”! We know what that symbolizes!

“Bats” fly around at night. They are aerial acrobats! They they can catch bugs in the air! They make noise while they fly! Their high-pitched “squeaks” bounce off flying bugs. The bats follow the echoes of their voice bouncing off bugs. They catch flying insects and eat them. That’s how they make a living.

Bats spend their nights flying, squeaking, and eating!


A “Belfry” is a tower for Church bells. “Belfry” symbolizes The Catholic Church. Catholic Church bells call people to gratefully obey This Teaching from He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies!

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

Those who think clearly hear and obey His Teaching. Their reward? They get “the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven”!


“Bats in the belfry.” describes confusing thoughts that fly around in our brain. Their high-pitched squeals confuse us. They keep us from hearing the bells calling us to Church!

Catholics know! All thoughts that separate us from God are “Bats in the belfry.”


Protestants also understand! We are made “the image of God”. Like our Creator, we are able to “create”. What do we create? We create our “thoughts”!

Every “thought” is a living, human-level “angel”! We create them in our mind. They fly around in our brain like “Bats in the belfry!”

Catholics want our thoughts to reflect truth. Right now, this thought wants to be seen as a truth! “It is right to think that confusing thoughts are like ‘Bats in the belfry!'”

~Bats give us another clue!~

God created about 1,200 species of bats. Some are as small as pennies. Others have five-foot wingspans! Did God create 1,200 versions of bats to show us how many sizes and kinds of “thoughts” we are able to create in our mind?

A fascinating question! “Are there 1,200 “species” of thoughts that we can bring into being inside our human brain?”

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Simple reasons to be Catholic!
