The Beginning of Protestantism: “I am better than God!”

This vanity is the foundation of all disobedience.  “I am better than God!”

The serpent disobeyed God.

The serpent got Eve to disobey God.

Eve got Adam to eat “the forbidden fruit”.

This thought was the Foundation of Disobedience!  “I am better than God.”


God was patient.  He started over with Noah and his family.   Soon, their descendants were building families, cities, and states on The Foundation of Disobedience:  “We are better than God!”

God’s love provided Prophets.  He had them write down predictions of the Coming Messiah!   God, Himself, promised that He would take human form and come to earth.

His great Love would give His obedient “friends” the “keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”  

In The Person of Jesus Christ, God did provide those “keys” on earth!

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”


What happened?   The first Protestants named in The Bible were the Nicolaitans in Ephesus (Rev 2:7).    They refused to follow Catholic Teachings provided by The Apostles and the earliest Catholic converts.

Each Nicolaitan joined the new chorus:  “I am better than Jesus!”

Supporters of 48,000 Protestant denominations have joined that chorus!

We are better than Jesus!”

Sooner or later, every Protestant will understand:   “No one is better than Jesus!”

We pray they understand while they have time to go to His Judgment and be forever among:  “You are My friends if you obey My commands.”

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Simple reasons to be Catholic.
