#1. How Willful Protestants ended The Stone Age in America.

. Why did Stone Age Indians smoke Peace Pipes made of stone?

America’s Indians lived in the Stone Age for thousands of years after The Bronze and Iron Ages came to Europe and Asia.

Indian lives and livelihoods were based on making things from stone. Flint was chipped into tools and weapons. Craftsmen in The Stone Age focused on working with Stone!

Their skills were incredible. Look at the hole in this stone Indian pipe. Ask yourself: “How did Stone Age Indians drill holes in millions of stone pipes without a steel or iron drill?”

If you are able to answer, please let us know!


Why were these Peace Pipes important to Indians?”

Leading Indians in every Tribe shared their opinions in Tribal Councils. They would sit in a circle. When his turn came, each Indian Brave would state his opinion and blow out a “puff” of smoke from his Peace Pipe.

Each “puff” of smoke represented that Brave’s opinion about the important subject at hand. “I think we should declare war on the nearby Seneca Tribe!” Another opinion might be: “Let us make Peace with our neighbor.”

Each Indian’s opinion would be followed by the “puff of smoke” from his Peace Pipe.

The individual “puffs of smoke” became “one cloud”. In the same way, the Indian Council would come to an agreement. “Smoking the Peace Pipe” was an important part of how Indian Tribes and Nations governed themselves.


In most Tribes, each Indian Brave had his own Peace Pipe. It was his proudest possession. It was the Stone Age version of an expensive wristwatch. Each Indian Brave got the best Peace Pipe he could afford!

Each Peace Pipe demonstrated the abilities of his Tribe’s ability to make things from stone. Tribes with the most impressive Peace Pipes also had the most effective tomahawks, arrowheads, and weapons of war!


That is why each Tribe’s Ambassadors to other Tribes had one of their most impressive Peace Pipes! These Braves spent their careers representing the interests their Tribe. It was agreed: “Representative Running Bull needs an impressive Peace Pipe!”

Here are two such Peace Pipes! Stone Pipes took months to make. They were fragile. Pipe stems on such pipes were made of wooden tubes. They would not be broken as their Representatives walked, often for weeks, to one Tribal Council after another.

The next Post will show us what happened when Willful Protestants in The Iron Age met the Stone Age Indians in America!

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