9. “How do blindfolds keep Willful Protestants from seeing the Light?”

. Catholics do not let ‘blindfolds’ keep us from seeing the light!

Catholics see that we should obey Teachings of Jesus. Jn 8:12 is an example. “I am the light of the world,’ says the Lord; ‘whoever follows Me will have the light of life’.”


“Question 1: “If we willfully refuse to ‘follow’ a Teaching of Jesus, do we end up in the ‘darkness of death’?”

Answer: “Good question! The opposite of That Teaching of Jesus is also true. Willfully disobeying Any Teaching of Jesus automatically puts Willful Protestants into the ‘darkness of death’.”


Question 2. “What does a Catholic who reads That Word of Jesus know?”

Answer: “We see how to avoid the ‘darkness of death’! It is impossible to ‘follow’ Jesus into ‘light’ and ‘life’ while willfully refusing to ‘follow’ Any of His Teachings.


Question 3: “Are Willful Protestants wrong to not ‘follow’ This Teaching of Jesus? “And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

Answer: “Yes. Those who willfully refuse to ‘follow’ that, or Any Teaching of Jesus, put themselves into ‘darkness’. They no longer see the ‘light of the world’ Who is Jesus!”


Question 4: ‘Is it possible for anyone to ‘follow’ Jesus into the ‘light’ while willfully disobeying Any Teaching of His?”

Answer: “No. As soon as we willfully disobey Any Teaching of Jesus Christ, we cannot ‘follow’ Him into the ‘light’.”


Question 5: All Willful Protestants ask this! “I do obey Some Teachings of Jesus. Isn’t that enough?”

Answer: “When we put on a blindfold, we cannot see ‘the light’.”


Question 6: “Do all who willfully blindfold themselves to Any Teaching of Jesus end up in the ‘dark’?”

Answer: “Everyone who willfully disobeys One Teaching of Jesus Christ soon disobeys Other Teachings. They put on more blindfolds!”


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Simple reasons to be Catholic. catholicfundamentalism.com

A free book of reasons. https://catholicfundamentalism.com/the-book-of-revelation
