“Where and why do ‘frogs’ hop into The Book of Revelation?”

. Frogs are included among Prophecies leading up to Armageddon.

“Frogs” hop into The Book of Revelation between the 6th and 7th “bowls” of ‘God’s Anger’!

Question 1: “What happens after St. John’s Prophecy in Rev 16:12 that ‘The Euphrates River would dry up and a way would be made for the kings of the east to come in.’?”

Answer: “Three ‘frogs’ hop into The Prophecy!”


Question 2: “What! Where does that happen?”

Answer: “In Rev. 12:13. ‘Then, from the jaws of dragon and beast and false prophet I saw three foul spirits come; they looked like frogs . . .”


Question 3: “What do ‘frogs’ symbolize?”

Answer: “‘Frogs’ are cold-blooded amphibians. Like the ‘beast’, they ’emerge’ from ‘water’ (the sea). Like the ‘false prophet’, they come from the ‘land’. They lay their eggs in ‘water’ that symbolizes ‘the peoples of the earth’. Like the ‘dragon’, beast, and false prophet’, they fight The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The ‘frogs’ symbolize every evil on earth!”


Question 4: “What else do ‘frogs’ do?”

Answer: “‘Frogs’ use their sticky tongues to catch insects that fly by.”


Question 4: “What does that symbolize?”

Answer: “The sticky tongues of these ‘frogs’ catch and devour souls that get close to them.”


Question 5: “Which souls do these ‘frogs’ catch?”

Answer: “They catch many souls of those who willfully reject This Teaching of Jesus Christ! ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.’


Question 6: “Why can’t these ‘frogs’ catch the souls of obedient Catholics?

Answer: “They have obeyed The Call to Catholic Communion that Jesus Christ repeated 14 times! ‘If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you’.


Question 7: “Can these ‘frogs’ only catch souls of those who have willfully chosen to reject God’s Gift to have His ‘life’ in them?”

Answer: “Yes! Rev 16:14 tell us the ‘frogs’ are actually ‘demon spirits, able to work miracles, going out to all the kings of the world to call them together for the war of the Great Day of God the Almighty.’


Question 8: “Where will that happen?”

Answer: “‘They called the kings together at the place called, in Hebrew, Armageddon’.”


Question 9: “That’s also called ‘Meggido’. Where is that?”

Answer: “About 950 km, or 600 miles, from the recently ‘dried up Euphrates River’! America just armed ‘the kings of the east’ with 85 billion dollars worth of military vehicles, aircraft, and weapons. Now, they can quickly cross the ‘dried up Euphrates River’ and get to Armageddon in a few hours or days.


Question 10: “Has another prophecy from Rev 16:12-17 recently come true?”

Answer: “Many covid viruses and variants were recently released “into the air”. That has certainly mobilized ‘all the kings of the earth’ to burden their people with crushing rules and regulations.


Question 11: “Do they symbolize the ‘great hailstones’ that have ‘fallen from the sky on people’?”

Answer: “People of all the earth have never been so crushed by so many oppressive regulations falling upon them. They may be among what Rev 16:21 describes as ‘the most terrible plague’.”

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