17. “Which Protestants may be forgiven for Willful Disobedience?”

Catholics are blessed to see two causes and many symptoms of Willful Protestantism.

Fact: Willful Protestants knowingly choose to disobey This Teaching from Jesus Christ: ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’


Question 1. Can their Willful Disobedience be forgiven?”

Answer: “God’s Logic cannot work well when something goes wrong with the brain.”


Question 2: “How can we identify people with medical conditions that keep them from thinking clearly?”

Answer: “When a person chooses to live in the confusion of believing ‘I am a Christian and I proudly disobey Any Teaching of Jesus Christ whenever I want!’, we realize that medical conditions may keep them from thinking clearly.”


Question 3: “How should we deal with such people?”

Answer: “As kindly and patiently as we deal with a person who has a broken leg! It is not their fault they cannot move gracefully.”


Question 4: “What are some of the medical conditions that keep minds from thinking clearly?”

Answer: “Some brain damage is caused by blows to the head in sports and accidents. Some is caused by Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Disease. Bad diets and circulatory problems keep many brains from working well. So do financial and emotional stresses.”


Question 5: “Since Willful Protestantism may have medical causes, should we encourage them to see their physicians?”

Answer: “Yes. We should also ask St. Peregrine and other Saints to intercede on their behalf.”


Question 6: “Why is that important?”

Answer: “Catholics love our neighbors. We may be the only people on earth who are asking God to help them!”


Question 7: “Do those problems with the mind have bad effects on other areas of their lives?”

Answer: “The illogical thinking that turns them against Words of Jesus turns them against everyone who disagrees with them. They get lonelier as their confusion increases.”


Question 7: “How can we identify such medical disorders?

Answer: “They proudly announce: ‘I am a wonderful Christian because I disobey some Teachings of Christ.’ That confusion is a symptom of both vanity and brain disorders.”


Question 8: “Is it possible that all of Willful Protestantism is caused by demons of vanity taking advantage of mental disorder?”

Answer: “That thought is too big for an impeded brain to fully consider.”

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Simple reasons to be Catholic. catholicfundamentalism.com

A free novel of reasons. http://catholicfundamentalism.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Crats-REVISED.12-21-17.pdf
