History meets Geography: God punishes Willful Protestantism.

. The first Catholic Martyr is known today as “St. Abel the Just”.


The first Willful Protestants were Adam and Eve. God threw them out of The Garden of Eden.

The next Willful Protestant was Cain. He murdered his God-fearing brother! “The first Catholic Martyr” is still recognized as: St. Abel the Just.

Willful Protestants spread over the earth. God punished them. The Flood washed them all away.

Four obedient families survived on the Ark. Who were they? “Pre-Christian Catholics”!


Willful Protestants appeared.

They spread death and slavery throughout the earth. Empires of Willful Protestants in Syria, Turkey, Greece, India, Africa, China, Europe, and the Americas grew and collapsed.

Catholics know! Willful Protestants always leave mounds, pyramids, walls, temples, buildings, and other monuments to their vanity.


God sent Messianic Prophecies. They were fulfilled at one moment in time! That was when His Perfectly Obedient Mother told God, Gabriel, and us: “I will be the handmaid of The Lord.”

Mary is The Most Perfect of God’s Creatures! Her Perfect Obedience allowed God to take Human Form on earth at The Prophesied Time and Place!

Every Willful Protestant agrees on two things! “First, we will ignore Mary’s obedience! Second, we will disobey Many Teachings of Her Son.”


Why did Jesus come to earth? God wanted to separate His obedient sheep from willful goats!

For 2,000 years, every Willful Protestant has refused to obey This Teaching of He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies!

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

Those who obey That Teaching of Jesus Christ are able to obey The Command He repeated 14 times: “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”



Willful Protestants brought The Reign of Terror to France. They spread it into Russia and Germany. The Church in Italy, Spain, France, and Scandinavia is under increasing attack. The “Low Countries” continue to sink.

Death and slavery rule once-Catholic Scotland, Wales and England. Catholics in Ireland disappear as Willful Protestants take control of every legislation and institution.


St. Thomas was one of the 12 Apostles of Jesus Christ. That Catholic Bishop went to India. Early Catholics were attacked for teaching that God loved the poor as much as the rich. Later, Willful Protestants from Muslim and Episcopalian denominations looted that fragmented country. Many Catholic souls still shine in India, Pakistan, and Nepal.

Souls in Korea and Japan are mostly “lifeless”. Getting rid of Catholic priests kept most of their descendants from having “life in” them.

The Philippines are a bright light of Asia! They are blessed by being a Catholic nation.

Many Catholics hold on in China. In spite of great oppression, they “keep the Faith”. They are an example to all the world!


Australia and New Zealand were settled by Willful Protestants from England. They brought some Catholic Teaching, but not enough to keep them from exterminating most Native Peoples. A dwindling number of Catholics remain. Those nations are now ruled by anti-Catholic tyrants. The Reign of Terror is close to taking over!

~Middle East~

The Middle East confused was confused by many, many Profiteers of Protestantism! That confusion weakened, and often destroyed, The Only Church led by Successors to Peter. Turkey, Syria, Iran, Iraq, and nearby nations were taken over by Willful Protestants from Muslim denominations.

~North America~

Gangs of Willful Protestants in North America destroyed Catholic Churches brought to Canada and the Southwestern United States. They exterminated Native Peoples. They purchased African slaves from Willful Protestants in Muslim denominations.

Leaders of the slave states paid for armed rebellion to defend the evil that enriched them.

Nearly 50,000 “somewhat Christian” denominations keep Americans and Canadians confused. Few of them understand: not one of their denominations was Spoken Into Being by Jesus Christ.

Those on the fringes of Willful Protestantism hope The Reign of Terror will come and bring them happiness.

~South America~

Many Catholics remain in South America! Profiteers of Protestantism encourage “missionaries”. They lead many to reject Christ’s Body, Blood, and Life.

The “Reign of Terror” did come to Cuba and Venezuela. It spreads wherever it can. Willful Protestants try to keep The Catholic Church too weak to protect Faith, Freedom, and Families. Invisible leaders want The Reign of Terror to rule.


North of the Sahara, Catholics were confused by Donatists and other semi-Christian Protestants. They could not defend themselves when Arian Vandals invaded from the West. Then, they could not stop invasions of Muslim Protestants from the East.

South of the Sahara, Native peoples were captured and sold into slavery by Muslim Protestants. They were purchased by semi-Christians Protestants in North America, The Caribbean, and South America.

In Southern Africa, semi-Christian Profiteers took over many nations. Reigns of Terror are taking over.

~History and Geography~

There has been one change since Willful Protestantism began in The Garden! All over the world, “We know more than God.” has been replaced by “We know more than Jesus Christ.”

History and Geography show: God punishes Willful Protestantism.

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Simple reasons to be Catholic. catholicfundamentalism.com

A free book of reasons. http://catholicfundamentalism.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/AllTheWorldIsAStage-Final.pdf
