God’s Angel told St. John to tell US two things!

St. John tells us that the cross Catholics carry is made of our thoughts, words, and deeds.

Question 1: What two things did God’s Angel say to St. John in The Bible?”

Answer: “This is the first Teaching of Rev 22:10-12! ‘Do not keep the prophecies in this Book a secret. . .’


Question 2: What does that mean?”

Answer: “God is giving Catholics two Direct Orders! We must learn and we must share the ‘prophecies’ in The Book of Revelation and The Book that is The Bible.”


Question 3: “Why is that important, now?”

Answer: “‘ . . because the Time is close.‘! Every moment, the end of our life on earth gets ‘closer’. Every hour, the end of God’s Creation comes ‘closer’.


Question 4: “What did the Angel tell us to do as those ends come ‘close’?

Answer: “He told us how to deal with those who willfully disobey Words of God. ‘Meanwhile, let the sinners keep on sinning and the unclean continue to be unclean; . .’

Question 5: “What does that tell us Catholics?”

Answer: “We are told that we must only ‘learn’ and ‘share’ God’s ‘prophecies’. We are not to interfere with the Free Will of either ‘sinners’ or of the ‘unclean’ in any other way.


Question 6: “Why does God only want us to ‘learn’ and ‘share’ His Words?

Answer: “People must freely choose obedience to His Words. Our duty is to share His Words and our obedience to them! We obey what He said: ‘ . . let those who do good go on doing good, and those who are holy go on being holy.’


Question 7: “Will people who are ‘good’ and ‘holy’ work to ‘learn’ and ‘share’ The Truth spoken by Every Word of God in The Bible?”

Answer: “That’s what God’s Angel told St. John! Catholics make This Holy Connection:

A. The Bible begins by telling us that Creation was Spoken Into Being by God’s Words.

B. The Bible ends by telling us that souls may only be saved if we ‘learn’ and ‘share’ God’s Words!”


Question 8: What is the most important Word of God between Genesis and Revelation?”

Answer: This Word of Jesus specifically tells everyone where to find the only ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’ He left on earth! ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’


Question 9: “Do Catholics have a duty to ‘learn’ and ‘share’ and live by Words of God that encourage our beloved neighbors to obey He Who Fulfilled The Messianic Prophecies?”

Answer: “Yes! We must love our neighbors! We must help their immortal souls choose to get the only ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’ that Jesus Christ left on earth with our thoughts, words, and deeds.”

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Simple reasons to be Catholic. catholicfundamentalism.com

A new, free book of reasons. The First Chapter is interesting! https://catholicfundamentalism.com/the-book-of-revelation
