Willful Protestantism leads some souls to Gluttony. The danger?

Many are proud of being Gluttons. May they be blessed to see how precisely God counts the cost of that vanity.

Question 1: “What is a “Willful Protestant?”

Answer: “Someone who knowingly chooses to disobey This Teaching of Jesus Christ: ‘And I say unto you thou are Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’


Question 2: “How can we see who a Willful Protestant is?

Answer: “They are proud of themselves for disobeying That Word of Jesus Christ.”


Question 3: “What happens to them?”

Answer: “Those who reject Jesus worship the things of the world.”


Question 4: “What happens to them?”

Answer: “James 5:1-6 is clear! “Now, an answer for the rich. Start crying, weep for the miseries that are coming to you. Your wealth has rotted away, your clothes have become moth-eaten, your gold and silver have corroded, and that corrosion will be a testimony against you; it will devour your flesh like a fire.’


Question 5: “That’s frightening! Are the souls of bigger Gluttons punished more harshly than those of lesser Gluttons?”

Answer: “Yes.”


Question 6: “Is a glutton who has kept a billion dollars from helping the poor punished more than a ‘little glutton’ who dies with a million dollars that did not help the poor?”

Answer: “The more bloated the Glutton, the greater the punishment! ‘You have stored up treasure for the last days. Behold, the wages you withheld from the workers who harvested your fields are crying aloud; and the cries of the harvesters have reached the ears of the Lord of hosts.’” God counts every dollar they kept from the poor!


Question 6: “Do those ‘workers’ and ‘harvesters’ include Catholic priests and religious who work in God’s ‘fields’?”

Answer: “Yes!


Question 7: “What should a Glutton do?”

Answer: “A smart Glutton with a billion dollars would send $100,000.00 to ten thousand poor Catholic parishes and schools.”


Question 8: “Are Gluttons smart enough to worry about their souls?

Answer: “Yes! All Gluttons are smart enough to understand how well God knows them! ‘You have lived on earth in luxury and pleasure; you have fattened your hearts for the day of slaughter. You have condemned; you have murdered The Righteous One; He offers you no resistance.’

Most Gluttons will continue to ‘murder The Righteous One’ by killing His beloved poor.”

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Simple reasons to be Catholic, even for Gluttons. catholicfundamentalism.com

A new, free book of reasons. https://catholicfundamentalism.com/the-book-of-revelation
