Does St. Paul have a “hidden” message about demons?

. Catholics look closely at our soul!

Question 1: “Two recent posts told us what St. Paul taught about ‘demons’. Did he teach anything else about them?”

Answer: “Yes! In His Book to the 60,000,000 people who were “Romans” throughout The Empire, St. Paul warns us in 6:12: ‘That is why you must not let sin reign in your mortal bodies or command your allegiance to bodily passions, . . ‘


Question 2: “Is our brain a part of our ‘mortal bodies’?”

Answer: “Yes! If we let ‘sin reign’ in our brain we will obey ‘bodily passions’.”


Question 3: “How does ‘sin’ get into our brain?”

Answer: “Demons are living sins! They ride words and images into our brain. They want us to give them form in our words and deeds. That is why ‘you should not let any part of your body turn into a weapon fighting on the side of sin; . . ‘


Question 4: “What are demons like?”

Answer: “Picture them as tiny, living electrons of evil. They whirl around atoms of thought in our brain. They hate for us to see The Light of God.”


Question 5: What should we do when we see that demons are tempting us to sin?”

Answer: “St. Paul told us! ‘. . we should make every part of our body into a weapon fighting for God; . .’


Question 6: “Does that mean we have to get the demons out of every sin-infected part of our brain?”

Answer: “Yes! When we have any sinful desire, we have to get rid of it!”


Question 7: “How do we get demons out of our brain?”

Answer: “We think about the hurt we will do to our immortal soul if we give into them!”


Question 8: “How is our soul ‘hurt’ if we let demons lead us to sin?”

Answer: “Every sin we commit puts a ‘hole’ in our soul. The more ‘holes’ in our soul, the more quickly it goes ‘stale’. It spoils. It rots. It is thrown onto ‘the burn pile’.”


Question 8: “Where do we find the strength to ‘clean up’ our brain?”

Answer: “Catholics begin by obeying This Word of Jesus Christ: ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’

Catholics trust Jesus! If we ‘endure to the end’, we will have those ‘keys’ We are then able to put on “the whole armor of God”. No demon can get through that.

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