St. Peter: “What a wonderful way to die!”

. How did the death St. Peter chose lead so many people to Jesus and His Church?

Question 1: “Why does everyone think about Jesus?”

Answer: “It is impossible to not think about Jesus!”


Question 2: “Why”|

Answer: “He is astonishing! He fulfilled Prophecies, beginning with His Birth in Bethlehem! He performed Great Miracles! Then, He let Himself be crucified!”


Question 3: “Why would Jesus Christ do that?”

Answer: “To fulfill more Prophecies! He had to be ‘lifted up before men’. He could have ‘no bones broken’. He had to ‘rise from the dead’.”


Question 4: “How do we know that Jesus Christ ‘rose from the dead’?”

Answer: “One man gives us an answer with his death: St. Peter.”


Question 5: “What did St. Peter do?”

Answer: “Jesus Christ chose Peter out of all the people on earth. The Word of God spoke This Word of God to that one man:

‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’


Question 6: “Did St. Peter remain obedient to Jesus?”

Answer: “St. Peter did an amazing thing! Early anti-Catholics ordered St. Peter to be crucified outside the City of Rome.”


Question 7: “Could St. Peter have avoided being Crucified?”

Answer: “Yes! All he had to do was say, ‘I believe that Caesar is god!’ His life would have been spared. He would have been publicly praised and rewarded!”


Question 8: “Did St. Peter choose to be crucified?”

Answer: “Yes, in an astonishing way.”


Question 9: “What was so amazing about St. Peter’s crucifixion?”

Answer: “St. Peter told the authorities: ‘I am not worthy to be crucified as Jesus was. Please, crucify me upside down’.”


Question 10: “What was the result?”

Answer: “There was no radio or television. ‘News’ was spread by word of mouth. Everyone in Rome was talking about Peter! ‘He was crucified upside down because he was not worthy to be crucified the way Jesus was!’


Question 11: “Every Christian in the world has been talking about that for 2,000 years! Did St. Peter give us all a good reason to be Catholic?”

Answer: “Yes.”

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