Souls 4. “Does our soul get bigger as we grow?”

Many Willful Protestants have children and grandchildren who are never Baptized.

Question 1: “We know that our soul was inside, or around, our . sized body when we were conceived. Does our soul get bigger as we grow?”

Answer: “No. Our soul is made ‘in the image of God’. He is Unchanging.
So, our soul does not change in size.”


Question 2: “Does our soul change in any way?”

Answer: “It can become brighter or dimmer.”


Question 3: “What changes the brightness of a soul?”

Answer: “Every human soul is darkened by the Original Sin of Eve and Adam from the moment of its conception.”


Question 4: “What was that Original Sin?”

Answer: “Willful disobedience. God told Adam and Eve to ‘not eat” from a tree in The Garden of Eden. They willfully chose to disobey God.”


Question 5: “Why is every human soul darkened by the Original Sin of willful disobedience to God?”

Answer: “That Original Sin was written into the DNA of Adam and Eve.”


Question 6: “Somewhere in the quintillion particles inside the tiny . that we were at conception, is there some electron-sized flaw in the molecules of our DNA?”

Answer: “Yes. That is the ‘Original Sin’ that darkens every human soul.”


Question 7: “Is there any way to remove that darkness from our soul?

Answer: “Darkness is washed away when we are ‘Baptized with water in The Name of The Father and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit’.”


Question 8: “Should babies be Baptized?”

Answer: “The sooner we are Baptized, the longer we live with our soul and mind unstained by Original Sin.”


Question 9: “But a baby does not know about Original Sin. How can it be cured”

Answer: “We are all ‘babies’! None of us understand the great damage that Original Sin does to our thinking. The sooner we are Baptized, the better!”


Question 10: “Should aborted babies be Baptized before they die?”

Answers: “Yes.” ___.” “No.” ___. “I do not want to think about that.” ___”

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