Catholics see our tiny souls living in the huge City of God.

. Our soul is the size of a grain of salt. The City of God is 1,500 miles (2412 km) long, wide, and high!

Question 1: “Our soul is small enough to fit inside or around the tiny ‘grain of salt’ cells we were at our conception. Does our soul ‘get bigger’ in Heaven?”

Answer: “That’s an interesting question! Rev 6:7 tells us that the souls of people who were ‘witnesses for life’ are ‘underneath God’s altar in Heaven’.”


Question 2: “Whose souls are there?”

Answer: “The phrase ‘witnesses for life’ include all those who were killed for being ‘witnesses to life’.”


Question 3: “Are all people who are killed, born and unborn, ‘witnesses for life’?

Answer: “Yes.”


Question 4: “What do all those souls do?”

Answer: “They cry out endlessly for ‘Vengeance!’


Question 7: “How did God answer their plea?”

Answer: “Rev, 5:11 tells us: ‘they were each given a white robe and told to wait until the roll was complete’.”

Question 8: “A question! Are the ‘white-robed souls’ in Heaven the same size as when their soul was conceived?”

Answer: “The Bible does not tell us that God had them grow larger.”


Question 9: “St. John saw ‘The City of God’. Rev. 21:16 gives its dimensions! It is a perfect cube whose base is the size of Australia! Are those tiny souls, maybe no bigger than a grain of salt, wearing ‘white robes’ in the huge ‘City of God’ forever?”

Answer: “Yes.”


Question 10: “Why didn’t I connected my tiny soul with the Hugeness of Heaven?”

Answer: “We are not encouraged to take Every Word in The Bible seriously. So, we usually don’t.


Question 11: “Souls in Heaven who wear ‘white robes’ are mentioned six times. What are the ‘white robes’ made from?”

Answer: “One ‘white robe’ in Rev 19: 9 is made of ‘the good deeds of the Saints’“.


Question 12: “A billion grains of salt will fill up a bathtub! Can there be enough ‘good deeds’ to dress a hundred bathtubs full of living grains of salt in ‘white robes made of good deeds’ for a hundred billion souls?”

Answer: “Why do you think Catholics say so many Rosaries?”

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