Souls 9. “Our Soul needs God’s Words. What food does our Spirit want?”

. Jesus wants us to feed our soul with all of His Words.

Question 1: “What is the difference between my ‘soul’ and my ‘spirit’?”

Answer: “Our soul is ‘made in the image of God’. Our soul wants to take in God’s Words.”


Question 2: “What food does our ‘spirit’ seek?”

Answer: “Our ‘spirit’ feeds on praise and sin.”


Question 3: “What kind of ‘praise’ does our ‘spirit’ seek?”

Answer: “Our ‘spirit’ loves to be fed compliments! Our ‘spirit’ loves to be told: ‘You should have what you want! You should do what you want! God loves you the way you are!’


Question 4: “I like to hear that! Is it wrong to like being praised?”

Answer: “Praise is often used to get us to disobey Words of God that feed our soul.”


Question 5: “Can you give an example?”

Answer: “Our ‘soul’ wants to get to Heaven. It can only do that if we obey God. Our ‘spirit’ does not want our ‘soul’ to obey This Word of God:

‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’


Question 6: “Is our ‘spirit’ at war with our ‘soul’?

Answer: “Yes.”


Question 7: “Why doesn’t our ‘spirit’ want us to obey That Word of Jesus Christ?”

Answer: “If we obey That Word of God, we keep our ‘spirit’ from bad things it wants to have and do.”


Question 8: “What ‘bad things’ does our ‘spirit’ want us to have and do?”

Answer: “Our ‘spirit’ wants us to think, say, and do whatever makes it feel good.”


Question 9: “What happens when we die?

Answer: “Our ‘spirit’ and our ‘body’ stop living.”


Question 10: “What happens to our ‘soul’ when our ‘body’ and ‘spirit’ die?”

Answer: “Our ‘soul’ goes to Judgment.”


Question 11: “What happens when our soul goes to Judgment?”

Answer: “Jesus looks at it. In a micro-second, He knows if it shines brightly enough to be forever among: ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.’


Question 12: “Should I strive to obey Every Word of Jesus to keep my soul safe?”

Answers include: “Yes. ___.” “No. ___.” “I do not want to think about that! ___.”

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