Catholics agree: “Here I am Lord; I come to do your will.”

The Catholic priests of Jesus Christ still have His Power to change bread and wine into His Body and Blood.

Question 1: “How do Catholics obey: ‘Here I am Lord; I come to do your will.’“?

Answer: “Jesus made His ‘will’ obvious! He told us, fourteen times, ‘If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.’


Question 2: “Is it The Lord’s ‘will’ that we receive Catholic Communion?”

Answer: “Yes! That’s why He repeated His Call to Catholic Communion 14 times.”


Question 3: “What, exactly is Catholic Communion”

Answer: “It is The Body and Blood of Jesus Christ present within The Consecrated Bread and Wine.”


Question 4: “How could Jesus Christ give us His Body and Blood 2,000 years after He died?”

Answer: “That is a very intelligent question! Our answer tests how well we do His ‘will’.”


Question 5: “Can you make that clear?”

Answer: “Jesus Christ first changed bread and wine into His Body and Blood at The Last Supper. ‘This is My Body, take and eat. This is My Blood, take and drink.’


Question 6: “I can see that Jesus Christ had The Power to do that. This is 2,000 years after He said that! How could His Body and Blood still be available?”

Answer: “He gave His First Catholic Bishops, the Disciples, This Command: ‘Do this in memory of Me.’


Question 7: “Did Jesus Christ give all who were Ordained in Living Link with The First Catholic Bishops the Power to ‘do’ that; to change bread and wine into His Body and Blood?”

Answer: “There is no other reason He would have said that!”


Question 8: “I cannot deny the simple fact: Jesus did repeat His Call to His Body and Blood twelve times in the last half of John, 6. And, He did say that twice more at The Last Supper. What do I have to do to obey His command?

Answer: “Do what The Bible said we should say to God! ‘Here I am Lord; I come to do your will.’

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