4. Catholic priests obey both Spoken and Unspoken Words of Jesus.

. Catholic priests obey both the Spoken and Unspoken Words of Jesus Christ.

Question 1: “What does every Catholic want?”

Answer: “We want to live so that our soul will get into Heaven!”


Question 2: “Who decides if our soul will get into Heaven?”

Answer: “Jesus Christ! He sits at The Throne of Judgment. He decides whose souls will get into Heaven.”


Question 3: “Did Jesus tell us whose souls would get into Heaven?”

Answer: “Yes! He told us clearly: ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.’


Question 4: “Is every Catholic among His ‘friends’?”

Answer: “Every Catholic who makes him or herself worthy to receive His Body and Blood is among His obedient ‘friends’“.


Question 5: “Who are the best ‘friends’ of Jesus?”

Answer: “Catholic priests and religious! They allow us to receive His Body and Blood through The Miracle of Transubstantiation.”


Question 6: “Why is that so important?”

Answer: “Jesus told us 14 times: ‘If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.’ The only way anyone may receive That Holy Food is by The Miracle of Transubstantiation at Catholic Communion.”


Question 7: “Does every Catholic owe his or her eternal ‘life’ to Catholic priests?”

Answer: “Yes.”


Question 8: “What makes them so special?”|

Answer: “Catholic priests obey the ‘Unspoken Words’ of Jesus Christ.”


Question 9: “What are the ‘Unspoken Words’ of Jesus Christ?

Answer: “The examples He set by the way He lived.”


Question 10: “What examples did Jesus provide by the way He lived?”

Answer: “Jesus Christ lived in Poverty, Celibacy, and Obedience.”


Question 11: “Do the clergy of other denominations take vows of Poverty, Celibacy, and Obedience?”

Answer: “No. They avoid the ‘Unspoken Words’ that Jesus spoke by the way He lived on earth.”


Question 12: “Why do Catholic priests obey the ‘Unspoken Words’ of Jesus Christ?”

Answer: “Their Mothers and Fathers loved them! Priest’s Mothers are like Mary. Their Fathers are like Joseph. They bless their sons with love. That love takes form in their obedience to the ‘Unspoken Words’ of Jesus.”

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Simple reasons to be Catholic. catholicfundamentalism.com
