Jesus loved life. That is why He “rose from the dead”.

. Will we follow He Who loved life or our “hearts”?

Question 1. “Why do Catholics think that Jesus loved life?”

Answer: “Jesus had two choices. He was killed. He could have remained ‘dead’. Instead, He chose to ‘rise from the dead’. Catholics know that Jesus loved life more than death.”


Question 2: “If we want to follow Jesus, do we have to ‘love life’?”

Answer: “Yes. We must love our neighbors, born and unborn. That is why The Catholic Church obeys This Teaching: ‘Life must be protected from conception until natural death.’


Question 3: “If a denomination avoids That Catholic Teaching, can they ‘love life’?”

Answer: “Every ‘Christian Denomination’ should teach that a person the size of a grain of salt, as each of us was at conception, is worthy of being ‘protected’.”


Question 4: “The Disciples were The First Catholic priests and Bishops. Did they believe that all life must be ‘protected’?”

Answer: “Catholics read James 5: 5-6. ‘On earth, you had a life of comfort and luxury; in the time of slaughter you went on eating to your heart’s content. It was you who condemned the innocent and killed them; they offered you no resistance.’


Question 5: “Is this a ‘time of slaughter’?”

Answer: “Billions of unborn babies are losing their lives to chemicals, implants, and abortion. This is a ‘time of slaughter’ of those who ‘offered you no resistance’.”


Question 6: “I am against abortion. Should I also be against any artificial birth control that leads to the death of my most helpless neighbors?”

Answer: “It is not wise to go to His Judgment and be among: ‘It was you who condemned the innocent and killed them; they offered you no resistance.’


Question 7: “Why do so many of us ‘condemn the innocent and kill them’?”

Answer: “The world tells us we should use our lives to: ‘go on eating to your heart’s content’.”


Question 8: “What will happen to my soul at my Judgment?”

Answer: “He Who ‘rose from the dead’ will decide. He knows that many people have been so confused by worldly teachings that they do not understand how precious life is. Luke 15:10 tells us: ‘there will be rejoicing among the angels of God over one sinner who repents.’

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Simple reasons to be Catholic.
