Aquinas gives a ‘three word proof’ for the existence of God.

St. Thomas Aquinas was brilliant. He was able to tell us that God exists in three words!

Question 1: “How do we know that God exists?”

Answer: “Try this! Close your eyes for a few seconds. Then, ‘open your eyes’.”


Question 2: “I did that. Now, what should I do?”

Answer: “Think about the difference. Everything that you see is a visible echo of The Words with Which God Spoke Creation Into Being.”


Question 3: “How did God ‘Speak‘ everything we see into Being?”

Answer: “God’s ‘Words’ are made of His ‘letters’. His ‘letters’ are made of His ‘lines‘. St. Isidore of Seville pointed out 1,500 years ago, ‘lines’ are either straight or curved.”


Question 4: “Do tiny segments in the ‘lines’ of God’s ‘letters’ make ‘atoms’ and what they are made from?”

Answer: “You understand quickly! Electrons, neutrons, and photons are all tinier ‘echoes’ of God’s Word! The tiny echoes of His Word are combined into bigger things by His Plan.”


Question 5: “How do Catholics look at God?”

Answer: St. Thomas Aquinas was very intelligent! He described God several times in Three Words: ‘The Unmoved Mover, The First Cause, The Necessary Being, The Absolute Being, The Grand Designer.’


Question 6: “Could Creation exist without a ‘Creator’?”

Answer: “No. As St. Thomas Aquinas said in three words! ‘Nothing makes itself.’ Memorizing those three words helps us speak meaningfully with unbelievers. ‘Nothing makes itself.’ Those ‘three words’ may be the most brilliant ‘three words’ ever spoken by any person on earth!


Question 7: “How are you Catholics able to see things so clearly?”

Answer: “We start with three words: ‘Open your eyes.’ Then, we think about another ‘three words’: ‘Nothing makes itself.’

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Simple reasons to be Catholic.
