Will we think clearly enough to live in obedience?

We all have the intelligence to ‘get those keys’! Will we think clearly enough to do so?”

Question 1: “Why is our intelligence important?”

Answer: “Intelligence can be used to help us.”


Question 2: “How should each of us use our intelligence?”

Answer: “To get the greatest gain.”


Question 3: “What is the ‘greatest gain’?”

Answer: “Getting our immortal soul into Heaven.”


Question 4: “Why is that so important?”

Answer: “That is the ‘greatest gain’ that anyone on earth can have.”


Question 5: “How should we use our intelligence to get our soul into Heaven?”

Answer: “We should work to obey Every Teaching of He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies, Jesus Christ.”


Question 6: “Some people are smarter than others. Can only smart people get into Heaven?”

Answer: “Everyone is intelligent enough to believe and obey Words of God.”


Question 7: “Can intelligence without obedience get anyone’s soul into Heaven?”

Answer: “Jesus will judge our soul. He told us whose souls He lets into Heaven: ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.’


Question 8: “If we willingly and knowingly choose to disobey Any Teaching of Jesus, are we among His willfully disobedient enemies?”

Answer: “Every person intelligent enough to ask That Question will be closely examined at Judgment!”


Question 9: “Why do I wish I hadn’t asked Question #8?”

Answer: “Because you are smart enough to not like the results of the answer you know is coming!”


Question 10: “I do know that! Does my continued Willful Disobedience hurt me more at Judgment?

Answer: “Yes. Choosing to not think about the effects of intentional disobedience to Any Teaching of Jesus makes our soul less pleasing to Him.”


Question 11: “What is the safest way to be forever among His obedient ‘friends’ in Heaven?”

Answer: Jesus Christ did leave one set of ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’ on earth’.”


Question 12: “Where are those ‘keys’?

Answer: In the Only Church Jesus Spoke Into Being with His Holy Word. ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’


Question 13: “If I willfully reject His Church, do I automatically reject His ‘keys’?”

One Answer is correct: “‘Yes. ___.’ ‘No. ___.’ ‘I do not want to think about that! ___.'”

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Simple reasons to be Catholic. catholicfundamentalism.com
