Catholics ask: “Are there Twelve Tribes of Souls?”

Catholics wonder if the “Twelve Tribes of Israel” represent “Twelve Tribes of Souls who receive His Holy Food.

Question 1: “When our soul goes to Judgment, who will judge it?”

Answer: “Every Christian knows that Jesus will be sure that our soul receives its proper Judgment.”


Question 2: “Will Jesus Christ, Himself, ‘judge’ my soul?”

Answer: “That’s a fascinating question. We know that Rev 11:18 tells us what happens when ‘it is time for the dead to be judged’.


Question 3: “Does that say Who will ‘judge’ those souls, or only that they will be ‘judged’?”

Answer: “Rev 20:4 tells us what John saw before the First Judgment that began The Reign of a Thousand Years: ‘Then I saw some thrones, and I saw those who are given the power to be judges taking their seats upon them.’


Question 4: “Who was ‘given the power to be judges’?”

Answer: “Those ‘judges’ may be The Twelve Apostles, with St. Paul replacing Judas.”


Question 5: “Does The Bible tell us that?”

Answer: “We know: there were 12 Apostles and there were ‘some thrones’. It may be that there was a ‘throne’ for each Apostle.”


Question 6: “Who will Judge those who are not descended from The Twelve Tribes of Israel?”

Answer: “‘The Twelve Tribes of Israel’ may represent Twelve Tribes of Souls! We may each be among The Twelve Tribes of Souls whose obedience was judged by those on the ‘thrones’.”


Question 7: “If that is true, what could those 12 qualities of the soul be?”

Answer: “Twelve Catholic Virtues are important to The Holy Father: ‘missionary and pastoral spirit’, ‘suitability and sagacity’, ‘spirituality and humanity’, ‘example and fidelity’, ‘rationality and gentleness,” ‘innocuousness and determination’, ‘charity and truth’, ‘honesty and maturity’, ‘respectfulness and humility’, ‘diligence and attentiveness’, ‘intrepidness and alertness’, and ‘trustworthiness and sobriety’.”


Question 8: “That’s a lot of Tribes to think about! Is there a simpler way to be among His ‘Twelve Tribes of Souls’?

Answer: “We should all focus on being among The One Tribe of Souls we know Jesus lets into Heaven! ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.’


Question 9: “What do Catholics think is one favorite ‘command’ of Jesus Christ?”

Answer: “‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’

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