Does 2 John tell us to receive Catholic Communion?

2 John warns about those who deny The Miracle of Transubstantiation in Catholic Communion.

Question 1: “2 John is a short Book! Why does St. John spend so much time warning about Willful Protestants?”

Answer: “He warned every Catholic! ‘There are many deceivers about in the world, refusing to admit that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh.’


Question 2: “Didn’t early Protestants, as in Laodicea, believe that Jesus Christ had ‘come in the flesh’?”

Answer: “John understood their real intention! They did not want anyone to recognize that Jesus Christ does ‘come in the flesh’ to Every Catholic Mass that followed The Last Supper!”


Question 3: “Why do Willful Protestants refuse to recognize The Power of Catholic priests to preside over The Miracle of Transubstantiation?”

Answer: “They cannot get donations from people who obey The Word that Jesus repeated 14 times: ‘If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.’ Jesus did not speak empty words!”


Question 4: “How does St. John describe those who ‘refuse to admit that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh’ to Every Catholic Mass?”

Answer: “He tells us: ‘They are the Deceiver; they are the anti-Christ.’


Question 5: “Those are strong words of condemnation! How do we know St. John referred to those who did not recognize the changing of bread and wine into His Body and Blood by The Miracle Of Transubstantiation?”

Answer: “All Christians know that Jesus Christ did ‘come in the flesh’ when He was born in the Prophesied Village of Bethlehem. Willful Protestants do not recognize The Power of Jesus Christ to ‘come in the flesh’ in Every Catholic Mass.”


Question 6: “‘I never thought of that! Does St. John tell us how to deal with them?”

Answer: “‘If anyone comes to you bringing a different doctrine, you must not receive him in your house (mind) or even give him a greeting.’


Question 7: “Did St. Paul agree with St. John about the importance of Catholic Communion?”

Answer: St. Paul was very clear! ‘This cup of benediction that we bless, is it not the Blood of Christ? This bread that we break, is it not The Body of Christ?’


Question 8: “What do we do when we realize that ‘only those who keep to what He taught can have The Father and the Son with them’?”

Answer: “We become Catholic.”

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Simple reasons to be Catholic.
