Catholics know about: “The Invisible Problem”!

Catholics know: We have free will. It is up to us to solve “The Invisible Problem”.

Question 1: “What is ‘The Invisible Problem’?”

Answer: “The world is filled with people who confuse ‘soul’ with ‘spirit’.”


Question 2: “That’s ridiculous! How do we even ‘know’ that we have a ‘soul’ or ‘spirit’?”

Answer: “Each one of us is ‘made in the image of God’. There are Three Persons in One God, The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit.”


Question 3: “How does being ‘made in the image of God’ refer to us?”

Answer: “Our soul is like The Father. God brought it into being at the moment of our conception. Our body is like The Son. It is our ‘earthly form’. Our spirit keeps our mind and body working. It is the human analogy to The Holy Spirit.”


Question 4: “What is ‘The Invisible Problem’?”

Answer: “Worrying more our spirit and body than our soul.”


Question 5: “Why should we worry about that?”

Answer: “Of our three parts ‘made in the image of God’, only our soul will live forever.”


Question 6: “If we keep our spirit and body living in obedience to God, will our our soul go to Heaven?”

Answer: “Bingo!”


Question 7: “Are problems on earth caused by not worrying about the fate of our immortal soul?”

Answer: “All problems within and among people are caused when we are more concerned about our spirit and body than our immortal soul.”


Question 8: “How should we prioritize our concerns in life?”

Answer: “We should make decisions that help us go to Christ’s Judgment and be forever among: ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.’


Question 9: “How will that get our soul into Heaven?”

Answer: “The Second Person of The Holy Trinity Fulfilled The Prophecies! He Spoke One Church Into Being with ‘the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’.


Question 10: “How can I get those ‘keys’ for my soul?”

Answer: “Strive to obey Teachings from His only Church: “And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

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