Catholics have a “New Way” to Read The Bible!

Question 1:  “Why do some Catholics think we need a ‘New Way’ to read The Bible?”

Answer:  “Many Willful Protestants read The Bible.   They do not take This Holy Word of Jesus Christ to heart:  ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’


Question 2:   “Those are The Holy Words with Which Jesus Christ Spoke The Catholic Church Into Being!   What ‘New Way’ to read The Bible will help Willful Protestants take Every Teaching of Jesus seriously?”

Answer:  “They should try this ‘New Way’ to Read The New Testament!


Question 3:  “What is this ‘New Way’ to Read The New Testament?”

Answer:  “Say Three Words after every Sentence, Verse, Chapter, and Book in The New Testament:   ‘This is Catholic.’   Or, ‘Is this Catholic?’


Question 4:  “I never heard of such a thing!   Can Willful Protestants do that?”

Answer:  “They should should try it!    They should open their New Testament to any Book, Chapter, or Verse.  After they read each sentence, they should ask ‘Is this Catholic?’   They will realize!  ‘This is Catholic!


Question 5:   “That would help Willful Protestants!   Is there a ‘Step Two’ in this New Way to read The Bible?”

Answer:   “Yes!  After realizing that ‘This is Catholic.’ describes every verse, they should say Four Words!  ‘Should I be Catholic?’    By encouraging our beloved Protestant neighbors to do that, every Catholic helps to make the world a better place.”


Question 6:  “Is there a ‘New Way’ for Catholics to Read The Bible?”

Answer:   “Yes!  Every Catholic should say Six Words after Every Verse, Chapter, and Book!  ‘May I be a better Catholic.‘”

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Simple reasons to be Catholic!
