Catholics are better at obeying Teachings of Jesus.

. Catholics are blessed to think clearly enough to see: ‘There is an Elephant in the Room’!

Question 1: “What are Teachings of Jesus Christ that only Catholics obey?”

Answer: “Only Catholics obey This Teaching of Jesus Christ! ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.’


Question 2: “Do Catholics get those ‘keys’ by having their sins forgiven by Catholic priests in The Only Church Jesus Founded?”?

Answer: “Only Catholic priests are Ordained with This Power from Jesus in John 20:23.: ‘Those whose sins you forgive on earth are forgiven in Heaven.’


Question 3: Does Absolution from Catholic priests let Catholics have their ‘souls bound in Heaven’?”

Answer: “The Teaching of Jesus Christ is as clear as it needs to be!”


Question 4: “What is another Teaching from Jesus Christ that only Catholics obey?”

Answer: “His Call to Catholic Communion! Beginning in the last half of John, 6 all the way through The Last Supper, Jesus Christ repeated: ‘If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.’ fourteen times!”


Question 5: “Why do Willful Protestants disobey Those Teachings of Jesus Christ?”

Answer: “They do not respect Jesus enough to obey Every Word He Spoke. They keep themselves and their followers too confused to obey every Word of Jesus.”


Question 5: “What keeps them from respecting His Power?”

Answer: “The Profiteers of Protestantism praise donors for disrespecting Teachings of Jesus.”


Question 6: “Why do The Profiteers of Protestantism do that?”

Answer: “They let pride lead them to believe that they know more than Jesus Christ about some things.”


Question 7: “That’s ridiculous!”

Answer: “That’s Willful Protestantism!”


Question 8: “Why do Catholics strive to obey Every Teaching of Jesus?”

Answer: “Catholics are smart enough to know! ‘I want to stand before Christ at Judgment and be among ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.’

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Simple reasons to be Catholic.
