Catholics see how “pearls” symbolize our “souls”!

Catholics know that The Communion Wafer looks like the cross-section of a pearl! Is that part of God’s Plan?


Question 1: “Why do Catholics compare our ‘soul’ to a ‘pearl of great price’?”

Answer: “Jesus Christ took Human Form on earth. He lived, suffered, and died to let us get our ‘soul’ into Heaven. He must think our soul is a ‘pearl’ of that ‘great price’.”


Question 2: “I can see that our soul is ‘symbolized’ by a pearl. Is our soul a living ‘pearl’?”

Answer: “The best ‘pearls’ have good color, shape, and size. The best ‘souls’ are among ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.‘”


Question 3: “Explain this! Inside of every ‘pearl’ there is an imperfection! Each ‘pearl’ grows around that imperfection. How can a ‘pearl’ be perfect?”

Answer: “That ‘imperfection’ is God’s Way of showing us how a perfect ‘pearl’ can grow around the imperfection that is in our soul at conception.”


Question 4: “What ‘imperfection’ does our soul grow around?”

Answer: “Original Sin. Each human being is conceived around the DNA-altering imperfection of Adam and Eve’s Willful Disobedience to God.”


Question 5: “Do Christians believe in Baptism because it washes away that Original Sin?”

Answer: “If we are properly Baptized in ‘The Name of The Father and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit’, our Original Sin is washed away. The ‘pearl’ that is our ‘soul’ takes on perfect shape and color as long as we do not stain or deform it with sin.”


Question 6: “Is that all there is to life?”

Answer: “Not for Catholics!”


Question 7: “What do Catholics do after we are Baptized?”

Answer: “We have to keep our ‘soul’, our ‘pearl’, full of ‘life’!”


Question 8: “How do we fill our ‘soul’ with ‘life’?”

Answer: “We do what is necessary to obey The Call to Catholic Communion that Jesus Christ repeated 14 times! ‘If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.’


Question 9: “What happens to our soul if we willfully disobey That Call from Jesus Christ?”

Answer: “Our soul becomes swollen, deformed, and stained! It cannot fit through any of the twelve pearls that are ‘the twelve gates to The Kingdom of Heaven.’


Question 10: “How big are the ‘pearls’ in the huge walls of Heaven?”

Answer: “In actual fact, a ‘pearl’ comes into being when the first nacreous layer surrounds an impurity inside an oyster. The ‘pearl’ that makes each of the ‘twelve gates of Heavenmay be smaller than we were at our conception, smaller than a grain of salt.”

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Simple reasons to be Catholic.
