Can Jesus cure “mental disorders”?

.                                                            Jesus keeps mental disorders from ‘drowning’ our spirit.

Question 1:  “Can Jesus cure mental disorders that ‘drown’ so many people?”

Answer:  “Yes.”


Question 2:  “Is that in The Bible?”

Answer:  “Mt. 4:23.    ‘He (Jesus Christ) went through the whole of Galilee teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming The Good News of The Kingdom, and curing all kinds of diseases and sicknesses among the people.’   Mental disorders are among ‘all kinds of diseases and sicknesses.'”
Question 3:  “What causes mental disorders?
Answer:  “Mental disorders are caused by believing:  ‘I know more than God about what is best for me.’   That pride is the foundation on which all mental disorders are built.”
Question 4:  “How can we cure our mental disorders?
Answer:  “Catholics think clearly about these Words in that Passage:  ‘The Good News of The Kingdom’.   We realize  a simple truth:   Every ‘Kingdom’ has a ‘King’!   Catholics make Jesus the ‘King’ of our mind.   We strive to obey Every Word He Spoke!   That begins the only cure for psychological ‘diseases and sicknesses among the people’.”
Question 5:  “Do Willful Protestants suffer from mental disorders that lead them to disobey Decrees from ‘King Jesus’?”
Answer:  “Willful Protestants are too proud to obey Actual Words of The Decree with Which ‘King Jesus’ Spoke His Kingdom’ into Being on Earth.  ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I give you the keys to The Kingdom of God.’

Question 6:  “Microscopic germs and bacteria cause diseases of the body.   What causes diseases of the mind and spirit?”

Answer:  “Demons.  They are much smaller than germs!  We may think of them as ‘unholy photons‘.  They mislead the spirit with evil thoughts the same way germs attack the body.”


Question 7:  “Are demons spiritual versions of the germs that attack our body?”

Answer:  “Yes.  Confused minds are easily infected by entire tribes of demons!   Spiritual gangs of unholy photons include pride, envy, greed, gluttony, anger, lust, and sloth, who try to drown our spirit in vanity.”


Question 8:  “How can I keep those demons from drowning my spirit in their sea of confusion?”

Answer:   “Do what is necessary to receive The Body and Blood of King Jesus in Catholic Communion by His Miracle of Transubstantiation.  That gets our minds and souls safely into ‘The Kingdom of God’.”


Question 9:  “Did Jesus Christ specifically and directly tell us that?”

Answer:  “There is no other reason for Jesus Christ to have repeated This Word fourteen times!   ‘If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.‘”

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