Jesus cures “Mental Disorders” that keep us from “Life”.

.                                                This painting is a brilliant portrayal of The Holy Trinity!   Brilliant!


Question 1:  “After we are blessed with the ‘Mental Order’ to know that Jesus did Fulfill the Prophecies, what should we do?”

Answer:  “First, we thank God for giving us the Wisdom to understand that!   That puts us ahead of most people in the world.”


Question 2:  “After thanking God for blessing us, what should we do?”

Answer:  “Think about obeying the ‘most incredible thing’ Jesus said!  He repeated 14 times, ‘If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.’


Question 3:  “That is ‘incredible!  No one ever said anything like that!   When did He Speak those Words?”

Answer:  “He repeated them 12 times in the last half of John, 6.   And, He said them two more times at The Last Supper.”


Question 4:  “Why did He say something so incredible so often?”

Answer:  “Those ‘words’ show His Power on earth!  He actually changed bread and wine into His Body and Blood at The Last Supper.  He gave it to His obedient followers.”


Question 4:  “Did Judas receive The Body and Blood of Jesus at The Last Supper?”

Answer:  “No.  Judas left The First Catholic Mass early.   He chose to work for earthly governors and not for God.”


Question 5:  “Wait a minute!   Did Jesus actually ‘transform’ bread and wine into His Body and Blood?  Did that really happen?

Answer:  “That’s two questions!   The answer to both is ‘Yes!’


Question 6:  “I am not going to argue with Words of Jesus!  I can admit that He did do that.   Who could do that after The Last Supper?”

Answer:  “His Disciples were The First Catholic Bishops.  Jesus gave them a Direct Order:  ‘(You) do this in memory of Me.'”


Question 7:  “How could they preside over the changing of bread and wine into His Body and Blood?”

Answer:   “That is an intelligent question!   Jesus had The Power to give His First Catholic Bishops His Power!   They could preside over The Miracle of Transubstantiation at every Catholic Mass after The Last Supper.  He gave them His Power to turn bread and wine into His Body and Blood.”


Question 8:  “Who had His Power after they died?”

Answer:  “All who are ‘Ordained’ in Living Link with The First Catholic Bishops are given The Power of Jesus to preside over The Miracle of Transubstantiation.”


Question 9:  “Did Jesus Christ have That Much Power?”

Answer:  “You think clearly enough to ask That Question!  That means God has blessed you with the ‘Mental Order’ to see that the answer is ‘Yes’!’

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Simple reasons to be Catholic.  And, to respect our Catholic priests!


