God Chose One Tribe. His Son Founded One Church.

.                                  For 3,000 years, The Profiteers of Protestantism have believed the same thing!


Question 1:  “God chose one Tribe out of Twelve in 1 Kings, 11:36.  ‘I will keep one Tribe to give to his (David’s) son.’  Did the other Tribes become Willful Protestants?”

Answer.  “Yes.  They worshiped two golden calves and whatever else appealed to their vanity.  Jeroboam’s two ‘golden calves’ have multiplied into nearly 50,000 denominations of Willful Protestants.”


Question 2:  ‘Are Willful Protestants driven by the same vanity that drove Jeroboam to make ‘golden calves’?”

Answer:  “That’ is why all Willful Protestants reject The First Commandment:  ‘Thou shall have no other gods before Me.’  They put their age’s herd of ‘golden calves’ ‘before’ God.  The Profiteers of Protestantism provide many appeals to their donors’ pride.”


Question 3:  “Is there one thing that all Willful Protestants have believed for 3,000 years?”

Answer:  “They believe:  ‘I know more than God‘!   They replaced The Temple in Jerusalem with ‘golden calves’.   They still replace The One Church Jesus Founded with those they pay to praise them.”


Question 4:  “How do Catholics know that Jesus only Founded One Church?”

Answer:  “Jesus had the power to bring things into Being.  He multiplied ‘loaves and fishes’ for one group of people.  They saw His Word take edible form.   Jesus Spoke One Church Into Being with His Word‘And I say to you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.’


Question 6:  “What do Catholics gain by following The Only Church Spoken Into Being by Jesus Christ?”

Answer:  “The next sentence of Jesus tells us!  ‘I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’


Question 7:  “Can those who willfully choose to reject those ‘keys’ get into Heaven?”

Answer:  “No one gets into Heaven if they die in willful rejection of the only ‘keys’ Jesus left on earth!   The last words of every Willful Protestant should be:  ‘God, please forgive me for rejecting Your Church!


Question 8:  “Why did people reject The Temple in Jerusalem 3,000 years ago and God’s actual ‘keys’, today?”

Answer:  “For 3,000 years, Willful Protestants have believed this lunacy:  ‘I am so good and so wonderful that God must let me into Heaven.'”

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Simple reasons to be Catholic.  catholicfundamentalism.com

