The New Catholic Theory about Souls getting Into Heaven!

.                Catholics tell our neighbors about Big Things and Small.  Where souls are concerned, smaller is better!


~Part I of The New Catholic Theory:


Question 1:  What is this New Catholic Theory about souls getting into Heaven?”

Answer:  “It begins with the 12 ‘gates’ in ‘The City of God’.  Each of them is made of a single ‘pearl’.”


Question 2:  “That’s not new!  It’s been in Revelation 22:21 for 2,000 years!'”

Answer:  “What is new is thinking about the actual size of the three ‘pearls’ in each of the 4 walls of Heaven.  The smallest ‘pearl’ on earth is smaller than a grain of salt.  Each ‘wall’ of Heaven is 1,500 miles (2414 km) long and high!”


Question 3:  “It is ‘new’ to think about that!   Why would one of Heaven’s ‘gates’ be smaller than a grain of salt?”

Answer:  “When we were conceived, we were the size of a grain of salt!   Our soul fit inside, or around, us when we were the size of a grain of salt!”


Question 4:  “Could each ‘gate’ in The City of God be that small?”

Answer:  “The Architect and Builder of The Heavenly City would not waste effort on a bigger ‘gate’ than He needed.”


Question 5:  “Three ‘gates’, each made of a tiny ‘pearl’, are in each wall that is 1,500 miles (2,414 km) long and high.   The ‘gates’ in each ‘wall’ are like 3 grains of salt dropped on the Continent of Australia!  How can a departed soul find one of those ‘gates’?”

Answer:  “One of the ‘keys’ to finding our gate is to look in the right place!  ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’


Part II of The New Catholic Theory is old.


Question 6:  “Can every soul fit through the ‘gates’?

Answer:  “No!   Souls become ‘encrusted’, ‘deformed’, or ‘swollen’ when demons get in or around them.   Those souls cannot fit through Heaven’s tiny ‘gates’ if they get to them!”


Question 7:  “How can a person get rid of the evil spirits of sin that keep our souls from getting through the ‘gates of Heaven’?”

Answer:  “By Confessing our sins to, and receiving Absolution from, a Catholic priest.”


Question 8:  “How do Catholic priests get The Power to do that?”

Answer:  “Jesus gave This Power to every Catholic priest in His Only Church on earth!   ‘Those whose sins you forgive on earth are forgiven in Heaven.’  That Absolution is the only way to get rid of the living sins that keep our souls from finding and getting through the ‘gates’!”

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