The New Catholic Theory about Souls. Part III

God showed Himself to Elijah as a “Whisper”.  Catholic know:  Our immortal soul is a living ‘whisper’ of “The Whisper”!


Question 1:  “This New Catholic Theory about Souls is interesting.  Why should we consider that God would make immortal souls so small?”

Answer:  1 Kings 19:11 let Elijah see that God is as small as a ‘Whisper’‘Then Elijah was told, “Go, stand on the mountain at attention before wasn’t in the fire; and after the fire a gentle and quiet whisper.'”


Question 2:  “Was that ‘Whisper’ God making Himself visible to Elijah?”

Answer:  “Yes!  We are created in ‘the image of God.    Catholics see our soul as a far smaller ‘living whisper’ of The Whisper that has taken form and become us.”


Question 3:  “How small could the ‘whisper’ that is our soul be?

Answer:   “We saw how small the ‘gates’ of Heaven could be.  This is a magnified picture of one grain of salt.  It shows our size at our conception!  A real grain of salt is the size of one of the white dots in the picture!

Look at one of the largest spots on that magnified grain of salt.  It is the size of the cell that carried our Father’s DNA to join with our Mother’s DNA!  The smallest spot we can see on, or imagine inside, that grain of salt may be larger than the ‘whisper’ that is our immortal soul!


Question 4:  Is that why The Catholic Church provides This Teaching:  ‘Life must be protected from conception until natural death.’

Answer:  “The Catholic Church has understood the beginning of life since the minute that Her Life began with This Word of Jesus Christ!  ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’


Question 5:  “Who has those ‘keys’?”

Answer:  “Every Catholic soul!”

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Simple reasons to be Catholic.



