#5 Looking at stars helps Catholic souls shine like one.

.                                      Every Catholic soul is a ‘star’ whose mind sees what and why ‘stars’ are!


Question 1:  “How can looking at stars help us get our soul into Heaven?”

Answer:  “Catholics understand that each star is a tiny speck of light.  It shows us the actual size of our soul compared with Creation.”


Question 2:  “How did God do that?”

Answer:  “God Spoke all Creation into Being with His Words.   Stars are His Words that have taken form in Heaven.  God put them there because:

  1.  He wanted us to look up ad see our place in The Perfect Order of His Creation.
  2.  He wanted us to realize that every human soul can be a bright star in the vastness of His Creation.
  3.  He wanted us to see that some stars shine more brightly than others.


Question 3:  “Why did God make stars?”

Answer:  “Stars are ‘Words of God in Heaven’.   We live among ‘God’s Words on Earth’.   His gift of vision lets us see His Words that shine in Heaven.  They give us perspective.”


Question:  “Sometimes, we see falling stars flashing through the sky.  Why did God make ‘meteors’?”

Answer:  “He wanted to show us what happens to souls who let themselves be attracted to earth.”


Question 5:  “Why does that happen to many souls?”

Answer:  “Many souls ‘burn themselves out’ on earthly concerns.   Falling stars choose to disobey This Word of God:  ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’


Question 6:  “Do those Catholic ‘keys’ let our soul shine more brightly?”

Answer:    “Yes.   Jesus told us to receive Catholic Communion 14 times:  ‘If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.’  Rejecting His ‘key’ to ‘life’ turns our soul into a falling star.”

Every human mind can take in a vast amount of the Time and Space of God’s Creation.   Within that vastness, our soul is the size of a star.  It will cry out in joy, ‘Good Thinking!’ when our mind understands God’s Truth, gets His ‘keys’, and begins to shine more brightly!”

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