Part 8: Catholics think about souls getting from Purgatory to Heaven.

.         Catholics look at this view of Heaven.  We realize:  “Those ‘pearly gates’ may be much, much smaller than that!”


Question 1:  “Did Dante tell us all we need to know about ‘hell’ in his book, ‘The Inferno’?”

Answer:  “That is one of the greatest books ever written.  After The Bible, it is History’s ‘best-seller’!   There is simpler view of hell.”


Question 2:  “What is this ‘simple view of hell’?”

Answer:  “If we don’t end up in Heaven, we end up in hell!  For its permanent residents,  ‘Hell is every place outside of Heaven.’


Question 3:  “Catholics teach that some souls must be ‘purified in Purgatory’ before they are allowed into Heaven.  Where are those souls?”

Answer;  “Purgatory may be the area around the ‘four walls’ of Heaven.   That is where souls search for their ‘gate’.  Revelation 21 tells us that each of Heaven’s 12 Gates is a single ‘pearl’.   Each of Heaven’s  ‘pearly gates‘ may be the size of the nacreous molecules needed to make a microscopic ‘pearl’.”


Question 4:  “Does each soul in Purgatory have to find its ‘gate’?”

Answer:  “Each soul may have to find the one ‘gate’ for whichever of the 12 ‘tribes’ it is in.   The Bible lists 12 ‘Tribes‘, 12 ‘Gates’,  12 ‘Stars’ in Mary’s Crown, and 1 ‘Disciple’ for each Tribe.   It is hard to avoid concluding that every person on earth is in one of ‘Twelve Tribes’, or types, of people.”


Question 5:   “Is it hard for a soul in Purgatory to find its ‘gate’?”

Answer:   “Revelation 21 tells us that each of the four ‘walls’ of Heaven is a perfect square, 1,500 miles on each side.  There are 2,250,000 square miles in each wall.   That means there are 9,000,000 square miles (23,309,892.99 km) in the ‘walls’ around Heaven.   That’s how big Heaven’s Wall is!   There are three ‘pearly gates’ in each wall.  Finding our ‘gate’ may be like finding one grain of salt in all of North America!”


Question 6:  “How could anyone find a ‘gate’ that might be smaller than this:  .  in a ‘wall’ so big?”

Answer:  “When a soul has been purified from the sins that deformed it, God has an angel guide it to its ‘gate’.  The soul can finally find and pass through its tiny ‘gate’ to Heaven.   That helps us see why Catholics pray for the souls in Purgatory!”


Question 7:   “Can that be true?”

Answer:   “You decide!”

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