Being “Born Again” should be followed by “Growing Up.”

.                                                       Being “Born Again”‘ is important.  So is “Growing Up”.


Question 1:  “Why do so many people say ‘I am Born Again!’?”

Answer:  “Because they are!   God has blessed them to realize that He Did Speak The World Into Being!   They realize they live in the echoes of His Word!  They know He sent His Son to save them from their sins!  They are, in actual fact, ‘Born Again!’


Question 2:  “What comes after a person is ‘Born Again’?”

Answer:  “They must leave The Maternity Ward!  Every person who is ‘Born Again’ must go out into the world, learning more with every step of The Way.”


Question 3:  “What do they need to learn?”

Answer:  “They must learn to connect thoughts, words, and choices to obeying He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies and let them be ‘Born Again’.”


Question 4:  “Should they read The Bible?”

Answer:  “Yes!  They may be blessed to understand that Every Passage in The Bible is a guide from God to all who are ‘Born Again’.


Question 5:  “What does The Bible tell those who are ‘Born Again’?”

Answer:  “The Bible tells them how to get their immortal souls into Heaven!”


Question 6:  “How do we get our immortal souls into Heaven?”

Answer:  “We must be among the ‘friends’ of Jesus Christ!”


Question 7:  “Does Jesus tell us who His ‘friends’ are?”

Answer:  “Jesus was very clear about that!  ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.’


Question 8: “After the ‘Born Again’ person leaves The Maternity Ward, what should they do?

Answer:  “Strive to Obey Every Word of Jesus Christ.”


Question 9:  “Where does that obedience take us?”

Answer:  “It takes us to The Great Decree of Jesus Christ!  He Spoke One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church Into Being with His Word!  ‘And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I give you the keys of The Kingdom of Heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in Heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in Heaven.’


Question 10:  “What happens to ‘Born Again’ people if they disobey That Word of Jesus Christ?”

Answer:  “They do not ‘Grow Up’!  They have to spend their lives fighting with other children in the 48,000 Nursery Schools that are Willful Protestantism.”

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Simple reasons to be Catholic.

